Code Injection Cheat Sheet

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SQL Injection Cheat Sheet, This SQL injection cheat sheet contains examples of useful syntax that you can use to perform a variety of tasks that often arise when performing SQL An SQL injection cheat sheet is a resource in which you can find detailed technical information about the many different variants of the SQL Injection vulnerability.

  • XSS Cheat Sheet – 2020 Edition About This Release This release include code that works on latest stable versions of major Gecko-based browsers (Mozilla Firefox branches) and Chromium-based browsers (Google Chrome, Opera, Apple Safari and Microsoft Edge). Current desktop versions of those browsers are: Mozilla Firefox v73, Google Chrome v80.
  • OS command injection (also known as shell injection) is a web security vulnerability that allows an attacker to execute arbitrary operating system (OS) commands on the server that is running an application, and typically fully compromise the application and all its data.

XSS, SQL Injection and Fuzzing Bar Code Cheat Sheet XSS, SQL Injection and Fuzzing Bar Code Cheat Sheet

XSS, SQL Injection and Fuzzing Barcode Cheat Sheet

I was listening to an episode of Pauldotcom, and Mick mentioned something about attacks on systems via barcode. Because of the nature of barcodes, developers may not be expecting attacks from that vector and thus don’t sanitize their inputs properly. I had previously written 'XSS, Command and SQL Injection vectors: Beyond the Form' so this was right up my alley. I constructed this page that lets you make barcodes in Code 93, Code 39, Code 39ext and Code 128A, B and C. I got the PHP libraries from these folks, which seem to be free for non profit use. If you don't give input to the form, the page just shows barcodes that can be useful for sort of 'fuzzing' a system to see if the input is properly sanitized. If you have problems getting them to scan, adjust the bar size. The default tests are as follows:

<script>alert('test')</script>This is of course the canonical XSS attack, for more interesting ones see here
' or 1=1 -- The the canonical SQL injection attack
'Just a single quote to see if SQL queries break
-- Common SQL comment to see if queries break
'Just a normal quote to see if SQL queries break
>Lets see if HTML breaks
<same as above, but opposite. :)
Can't print thisASCII characters 31-16 for fuzzing to see what breaks
Can't print thisASCII characters 15-0

Please only use on your own barcode reading system. By the way, please just ignore Clippy if you see him, he has to do with my IDS testing from before. If you want to make your own custom barcodes type in your string in the text area below, choose your options, and hit submit. If you just want to recode my bar codes leave the text area blank, choose your options, and hit submit. You can also type the decimal equivalent ASCII values as comma separated string, and it will ignore what is in the textarea.
If you want to just play around with individual characters, checkout our ASCII barcode chart.

Code 93

Code Injection Cheat Sheet

Code 39 (always URL encoded, or double encoded, otherwise it can't make the characters)

Code 39 Extended

Code 128-A

Code 128-B

Code 128-C

QR-Code 2d Barcodes provided by Kaywa

Code Injection Cheat Sheet Fortnite

I got some help from these sites:

Also, check out FX's video:

Pentestmonkey Sql Injection Cheat Sheet

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